On the Toilet Bowl of Samsara

Monday, January 16, 2006

Beginning anew

It's always so hard to start again.

Especially when you have not practiced for a long time.

Then, the mind becomes clogged up again, like a giant glass of muddy water. The only way to clarify the mind, though, is to let the mud settle, to reveal the lucid liquid.

I have decided firmly to sit every morning for an hour, and if time allows, to do the same in the evening. In the morning, I'm sitting with a friend, which helps enforce discipline and to help stick to it...

But it's so hard to do! I sat, focusing on my breath, and thought that it was already an hour. On opening my eyes, I found to my horror that it was only half an hour: still 50% to go...

It's interesting how your body reacts even before you become conscious of it. I say this, as this fact caused me to tense up subtly... and maybe a few seconds afterwards, only then did I realize I was tense, and consciously relax myself.

It's going to take some time to clear this piece of crap...


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