On the Toilet Bowl of Samsara

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Specific uses of metta bhavana

Metta bhavana is probably best for emotional turmoil, specifically with regards to guilt and anger.

That has been my personal experience at least.

There is always a danger, however, of metta bhavana becoming attachment, which would be a problem, as it is happening to me right now. I'm too attached to myself, and also to her, so I guess it is a good thing that she is not contacting me at all.

It's hard to avoid the mind clinging on: afterall it has been a year and a half of being together. The end result has been a very strong attachment to her, and this attachment is causing me to wonder half the time, "why does she suddenly treat me like I am dead?", "why this sudden lack of contact?", etc. The attachment has caused me to have an expectation, that things will be the same, when things and emotions change all the time, like clouds in the wind.

This understanding has caused me to be able to take this breakup a lot better than when I was younger, when I was similarly dumped by another girl. I guess one becomes better at managing one's emotions with sufficient practice.


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